Vanessa Spizzirri, the driving force behind Maed Studio, embodies a fusion of artistic talent and community spirit. Hailing from a quaint town on the outskirts of Toronto, Vanessa’s journey to becoming a renowned artist began at the age of 18 when she migrated to the bustling city. Initially an acrylic painter, she soon found her passion in digital illustration and mural painting, believing fervently in their ability to stir emotions and unify spaces. Central to her ethos is community engagement, using murals as a medium to connect with people and enliven neighborhoods.
At Maed Studio, Vanessa’s vision takes flight, guided by the philosophy of Make Art Every Day. Rooted in creativity and innovation, Maed Studio serves as a vibrant hub for mural and design projects. Her style is characterized by organic layered shapes, bold patterns, and vivid colours. Vanessa’s expertise spans across commercial and residential murals, alongside a diverse portfolio encompassing printed vinyl wraps, illustrations, product and packaging design, and textile design. With a focus on seamlessly blending brand identity with modern aesthetics, Maed Studio endeavors to create visually striking artworks that not only elevate spaces but also foster a sense of connection and inspiration within communities.